49.2 Pending proceedings before courts of general jurisdiction [1]
Actions brought by the Group
Actions which Enea SA and Enea Operator sp. z o.o. brought to courts of general jurisdiction refer to claims for receivables due to sale of electricity (the so–called electricity cases) and claims for other receivables – illegal consumption of electricity, connections to the grid and other specialized services (the so-called non-electricity cases).
Actions brought to courts of general jurisdiction by Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. are connected mainly with claims for receivables due to breaches of forwarding agreements, outstanding invoice payments and contractual penalties from the Company vendors.
As at 31 December 2014 the total of 10,662 cases brought by the Group were pending before common courts for the total amount of PLN 105,621 thousand (8,780 cases for the total amount of PLN 108,164 thousand as at 31 December 2013).
None of these cases can significantly affect the Group’s net profit.
Actions brought against the Group
Actions against the Group are brought both by natural and legal entities. They mainly refer to issues such as compensation for interrupted delivery of electricity, identification of illegal electricity consumption and compensation for use by the Group of real property where electrical devices are located. The Group considers actions concerning non-contractual use of real property as particularly important (Note 49.5 [2]).
As at 31 December 2014 there were 1,928 cases pending before common courts which have been brought against the Group for the total amount of PLN 281,481 thousand (as at 31 December 2013 1,589 cases for the total amount of PLN 251,977 thousand). Provisions related to the court cases are presented in note 33 [3].