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Consolidated statement of cash flows

12 months ended 31.12.201412 months ended 31.12.2013 (Restated)*
Cash flows from operating activities
Net profit for the reporting period 909 122 722 520
Income tax in profit or loss 40 233 980 231 545
Depreciation 35 728 408 761 759
(Profit) / loss on sale and liquidation of property, plant and equipment 5 620 (109)
Impairment loss on property, plant and equipment 7 30 556 11 363
Impairment loss on goodwill 10 3 131 -
(Profit) / loss on sale of financial assets (11 016) 9 637
Interest income (23 975) (31 327)
Dividend income (3 355) (4 552)
Interest expense 38 204 16 535
(Gain)/loss on measurement of financial assets (473) 607
Other financial costs 25 756 -
Share in the (profit) / loss of associates (708) (331)
Exchange (gains) / losses on loans and borrowings 748 827
Other adjustments (24 915) (1 595)
1 001 961 994 359
Income tax paid (160 398) (254 421)
Changes in working capital
CO2 emission rights (12 533) 4 056
Inventory 23 106 (11 921)
Trade and other receivables (368 292) 9 008
Trade and other liabilities (182 965) (25 715)
Liabilities due to employee benefits 3341 53 691
Deferred income due to subsidies, connection fees and other (12 659) (74 534)
Liabilities due to an equivalent of the right to acquire shares free of charge (11) (14)
Non-current assets held for sale and related liabilities (79) (214)
Provisions for other liabilities and charges (85 017) 227 395
(635 009) 181 752
Net cash flows from operating activities 1 115 676 1 644 210
Cash flows from investing activities -
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (2 561 182) (1 948 780)
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 22 863 26 347
Acquisition of financial assets (295 484) (140 000)
Proceeds from disposal of financial assets 20 800 277 063
Acquisition of subsidiaries adjusted by acquired cash (259 796) (1 108)
Disposal of investments in subsidiaries and associates 3 000 3 000
Dividends received 3 355 4 552
Interests received 18 095 6 223
Otherproceeds/(payments) from investing activities (444) 1 844
Net cash flows from investing activities (3 048 793) (1 770 859)
Cash flows from financing activities -
Loans and borrowings received 278 635 795 041
Bond issue 1 120 000 -
Loans and borrowings repaid (25 185) (25 896)
Dividend paid to shareholders of the Parent (251 622) (158 919)
Payment of finance lease liabilities (2 906) (5 775)
Expenses related to future issue of bonds (21 251)
Interest paid (52 607) (6 180)
Other proceeds/(payments) from financing activities 721 6 685
Net cash flows from financing activities 1 045 785 604 956
Net increase/ (decrease) in cash (887 332) 478 307
Opening balance of cash 22 1 573 195 1 095 495
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash 1 453 (607)
Closing balance of cash 22 687 316 1 573 195