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40. Income tax

 Current tax (168 356) (259 441)
 Deferred tax (65 624) 27 896
 Total (233 980) (231 545)

The income tax on gross profit before tax differs from the theoretical amount resulting from application of the nominal tax rate applicable to the Group’s consolidated profit in the following manner:

Profit/(loss) before tax 1.143.102 954.065
Tax at a 19% rate (217.189) (181.272)
Costs not classified as tax-deductible expenses (permanent differences at 19% rate) (10.640) (27.196)
Income not subject to to taxation (permanent differences at 19% rate) (108) 2.242
Other at 19% rate (6.043) (25.319)
Amount charged to profit or loss due to income tax (233.980) (231.545)

Tax group

On 18 September 2013 the Company concluded a tax group agreement for a period of three years from 2014, which involves 9 companies of Enea Group: Enea SA, Enea Operator sp. z o.o., Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o., Enea Centrum sp. z o.o., Enea Oświetlenie sp. z o.o., Enea Trading sp. z o.o., Enea Serwis sp. z o.o., Enea Pomiary sp. z o.o. and Enea Logistyka sp. z o.o. The entity that represents the tax group is Enea SA

The Corporate Income Tax Act treats the tax capital group as a separate CIT income tax entity, which means that the companies comprising the tax group lose their status of separate entities for the purpose of corporate income tax and this subjectivity acquires tax group as a whole. The subject of the income tax is determined by the total revenue of the group, calculated as the excess of the total income of all the companies in the group over the sum of their losses. Separateness of the tax group exists only on the basis of corporate income tax law. It should not be identified as separate legal entity. It does not apply well to obligations of other taxes. In particular, each company forming part of a tax group is a separate taxpayer of VAT tax, real estate tax and payer of personal income tax.

Companies comprising a tax group are obliged to comply with several requirements including, inter alia: an appropriate level of capital, the parent company's share in subsidiaries forming part of a tax capital group must be at least 95%, no capital relations between subsidiaries, no tax arrears, 3% share of separate income in the group consolidated revenue and conducting transactions with entities outside the tax group only based on arms-length conditions. Violation of these requirements results in dissolution of the tax group and loss of its separate status of a taxpayer. Beginning from the moment of separation each of companies forming previously the tax group becomes an independent taxpayer of corporate income tax.