31.12.2014 | 31.12.2013 | |
Opening balance | 3 298 | 5 951 |
Share in the net change of net assets | 708 | 331 |
Disposal of investments | (4 006) | (3 000) |
Other changes | - | 16 |
Closing balance | - | 3 298 |
The share in the net profit/loss of associates consolidated at equity for 2014 amounted to PLN 708 thousand (PLN 331 thousand for 2013).
The following table presents the key financial information regarding associates consolidated at equity.
31.12.2014 | Revenue | Expenses | Net profit |
Energo-Inwest-Broker S.A. (former associate)* | 32 054 | (29 013) | 3 041 |
32 054 | (29 013) | 3 041 |
*On 30 December 2014 Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o sold 400 shares of Energo-Inwest-Broker S.A. for PLN 7,500 thousand. The Group recognized in these consolidated financial statements of this associate until the date of its disposal.
31.12.2013 | Share in the ownership | Current assets | Non-current assets | Total assets | Current liabilities and provisions for liabilities | Non-current liabilities and provisions for liabilities | Total liabilities | Revenue | Expenses | Net profit |
Energo-Inwest-Broker S.A. (an associate) | 38.46% | 5 733 | 6 854 | 12 587 | 3 381 | 651 | 4 032 | 31 727 | (27 784) | 3 943 |
5 733 | 6 854 | 12 587 | 3 381 | 651 | 4 032 | 31 727 | (27 784) | 3 943 |