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35. Costs by type

Amortization and depreciation (728 408) (761 759)
Costs of employee benefits (948 872) (1 036 215)
salaries and wages (718 901) (782 860)
social security and other benefits (229 971) (253 355)
Consumption of materials, raw materials, value of goods
and materials sold
(1 821 196) (1 822 994)
consumption of materials and energy (1 564 522) (1 728 067)
cost of goods and materials sold (256 674) (94 927)
Cost of energy purchased for resale (3 835 730) (3 303 371)
External services (1 046 916) (940 961)
transmission services (710 577) (599 170)
other external services (336 339) (341 791)
Taxes and charges (268 934) (244 240)
Total costs of products, goods and materials sold, selling, marketing, general and administrative expenses (8 650 056) (8 109 540)