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Consolidated statement of comprahensive income

12 months
12 months ended
Sales revenue 10 057 909 9 355 406
Excise duty (202 514) (204 886)
Net sales revenue 34 9 855 395 9 150 520
Other operating revenue 37 115 066 125 087
Depreciation 35 (728 408) (761 759)
Costs of employee benefits 35 (948 872) (1 036 215)
Consumption of materials and supplies and costs of goods sold 35 (1 821 196) (1 822 994)
Energy purchase for sale 35 (3 835 730) (3 303 371)
Transmission services 35 (710 577) (599 170)
Other external services 35 (336 339) (341 791)
Taxes and charges 35 (268 934) (244 240)
Gain/(loss) on sale and liquidation of property, plant and equipment (5 620) 109
Impairment loss of property, plant and equipment 7 (30 556) (11 363)
Other operating expenses 37 (97 754) (248 954)
Operating profit 1 186 475 905 859
Finance cost 39 (125 483) (44 821)
Finance income 38 81 178 88 144
Imperment of goodwill 10 (3 131) -
Dividend income 41 3 355 4 552
Share in profits/(losses) of associates measured using the equity method 708 331
Profit before tax 1 143 102 954 065
Income tax 40 (233 980) (231 545)
Net profit for the reporting period 909 122 722 520
Other comprehensive income
Items that are or may be reclassified to profit or loss:
- change in fair value of financial assets available for sale (14 282) (4 966)
- cash flow hedge - (1 025)
- income tax 2 714 943
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:
- remeasurement of defined benefit liability (95 354) 27 331
- income tax 18 116 (5 193)
Net other comprehensive income (88 806) 17 090
Total comprehensive income 820 316 739 610
Including net profit: (803) 4
attributable to shareholders of the Parent 908 319 722 524
attributable to non-controlling interests 803 (4)
Including comprehensive income: (754) 441 442 563
attributable to shareholders of the Parent 819 562 739 595
attributable to non-controlling interests 754 15
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Parent 908 319 722 524
Weighted average number of ordinary shares 441 442 578 441 442 578
Net earnings per share (in PLN per share) 2.06 1.64
Diluted earnings per share (in PLN per share) 2.06 1.64

1) Restatements of comparative figures are presented in Note 3 to these consolidated financial statements