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46. Future payments due to the right of perpetual usufruct acquired for a consideration and free of charge

The future liabilities arising from the right of perpetual usufruct (estimated based on 2014 fees) apply to the remaining term of agreements for the use of land (40-99 years).

Up to 1 year 4 912 4 807
1-5 years 20 486 20 736
Over 5 years 342 309 345 689
   367 707 371 232

Future liabilities arising from rental and operating lease agreements:

Up to 1 year 11 491 11 .518
1-5 years 17 875 25 099
Over 5 years 5 264 10 141
   34 630 46 758

Perpetual usufruct, lease and rental expenses incurred in period:

Perpetual usufruct of land 4 807 4 464
Lease, rental and operating lease agreements 11 518 9 785

Operating lease payments recognized in expenses

Minimum lease payments (6 596) (7 784)
Revenue from sub-lease (-)  -  (6)
   (6 596) (7 790)

Significant operating lease agreements of the Enea Group entities have been presented below:

Enea SA - the subject of lease are rental of office buildings, apartment, parking lots, warehouses, advertising space.

Enea Wytwarzanie sp z o.o. - the subject of lease are vehicles and trucks.