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The basis of the Enea Capital Group operations is production, distribution and trade of electricity. Our distribution network covers 20% of the country. Thanks to it we supply energy to residents of the western and north-western Poland.

Enea Group’s organisation and operations

Enea Group organization


  • Generation of electricity based on bituminous coal, biomass, wind, water and biogas
  • Heat generation in cogeneration
  • Heat transmission and distribution
  • Trade in electricity

Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.

  • Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. in Oborniki 
  • Miejska Energetyka Cieplna Piła sp. z o.o.
  • Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. in Białystok

Ecebe sp. z o.o. under liquidation 1)

9% of the electricity generated in the country comes from our power plants. Total capacity of our units is 3.3 GW while our annual production capacity is 16 TWh.


WyszczególnienieMoc zainstalowana elektryczna [MWe]Moc osiągana elektryczna [MWe]Moc zainstalowana cieplna [MWt]
Elektrownia Kozienice 2 960,0 2 919,0 105
Elektrociepłownia Białystok 203,5 156,6 446,5
Farmy Wiatrowe Bardy i Darżyno 56 56 -
Biogazownie Liszkowo i Gorzesław 3,8 3,8 3,1
Elektrownie Wodne 60,3 57,6 -
MEC Piła 10,4 10,2 154,4
PEC Oborniki - - 30,5
MPEC Białystok - - 185
RAZEM 3 294,0 3 203,2 924,5


  • Guaranteeing the extension of the distribution network and planned network development
  • Exploitation, maintenance and renovations of the distribution network 
  • Measurement data management

Enea Operator sp. z o.o.

  • Energomiar sp. z o.o. (currently Enea Pomiary sp. z o.o.2))
  • Annacond Enterprises sp. z o.o.
  • Energetyka Poznańska Przedsiębiorstwo Usług Energetycznych ENERGOBUD Leszno sp. z o.o. (currently Enea Serwis sp. z o.o.3))


Wholesale trading:

  • Wholesale contract portfolio optimisation
  • Operations on product markets
  • Guaranteeing the access to wholesale markets for electricity

Retail sales:

  • Trade in electricity on the retail market
  • Creation and offering of products and services to Customers
  • Comprehensive Customer Service

Enea SA

Enea Trading sp. z o.o.

1) On 30 January 2015 ECEBE sp. z o.o. under liquidation was removed from the National Court Register. 
2) From 26 January 2015 
3) From 20 January 2015