Business combinations/acquisitions of entities beyond common control are settled using the acquisition method, presented in Note 51.2.(a).
Business combinations/acquisitions of entities under common control do not fall within the scope of IFRS regulations. Considering the lack of detailed IFRS regulations, in line with the guidelines laid down in IAS 8 – “Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors”, the entity ought to develop accounting principles applicable to such transactions.
The Group adopted an accounting policy according to which such transactions are recognized in carrying amounts.
The acquirer recognizes the assets, equity and liabilities of the acquiree at their current carrying amount adjusted only for the purpose of applying the same accounting principles for the combined entities beginning from the acquisition date. Goodwill and negative goodwill is not recognized. Any difference between the carrying amount of the net assets acquired and the fair value of the payment in the form of equity instruments and/or assets given by the entity is recognized in the equity of the Group.
When applying the method based on carrying amounts, comparative data for presented historical periods are not restated.