The following types of employee benefits are provided by the Group:
- Short-term employee benefits
Short-term employee benefits include but are not limited to: monthly wages, salaries, annual bonuses, electricity allowance, short-term paid leave with social security contributions, industry specific bonus and voluntary redundancy programme.
Liability due to short-term (accrued) paid leave (compensation for paid leave) even if employees are not entitled to receive payment in lieu of holiday.
In 2013 the Group initiated the Voluntary Redundancy Programme. The Programme assumes that employees who decide to terminate the employee contracts within the Programme period, will receive financial compensation
- Defined benefit plans
Defined benefit plans of the Group include:
1) Retirement benefits
Employees retiring (eligible for disability benefits) are entitled to receive retirement benefits in the form of cash compensation. The value of such benefits depends on the length of service and the remuneration received by the employee. The related liabilities are estimated using actuarial methods.
2) Electricity allowance for pensioners
Retiring employees who have worked for the Group for at least one year are entitled to a reduced price of consumed energy amounting to 3,000 kWh/year. In case of an employee’s death, the right is transferred to his/her spouse if that person receives a family allowance. The related liabilities are estimated using actuarial methods.
Pensioners and disability pensioners acquire the right to an electricity allowance in the amount of 3000 kWh x 80% of the electricity price and the variable component of the transmission charge and 100% the fixed network charge and subscription charge at the single-zone rate household tariff. The equivalent is paid twice a year: by 15 May and by 15 September, each time in the amount of the half of the annual equivalent.
3) Appropriation to the Company’s Social Benefits Fund for pensioners
Pursuant to the Collective Labor Agreement, when calculating the annual appropriation to the Social Benefits Fund, the Group also takes into consideration pensioners entitled to the benefits. The liability is recognized proportionally to the expected period of performing work by employees. The value of the provision is estimated using actuarial methods.
Liabilities relating to the benefits referred to in points 1 – 3 are estimated by an actuary using the “projected unit credit method”. The total value of actuarial gains and losses is recognized in other comprehensive income.
- Other long-term employee benefits
1) Jubilee bonuses
Other long-term employee benefits at Enea SA include jubilee bonuses. Their value is dependent on the length of service and the remuneration received by the employee. The related liabilities are estimated using actuarial methods. The total value of actuarial gains and losses is recognized in profit or loss.
- Defined contribution plan
1) Social security contributions
The social security system in Poland is a state programme, in accordance with which the Group is obliged to make social security contributions for employees when they become due. No legal or constructive obligation has been imposed on the Company to pay future benefits relating to social security. The costs of contributions pertaining to the current period are recognized by the Group in profit or loss as the costs of employee benefits.
2) Employee Pension Scheme
Pursuant to Appendix No. 18 to the Collective Labor Agreement, Enea SA operates an Employee Pension Scheme in the form of unit-linked group employee insurance in line with the statutory principles and under conditions negotiated with the labor unions.
The Employee Pension Scheme is available to all employees of Enea SA after one year of service, irrespective of the type of their employment contract.
Employees join the Employee Pension Scheme under the following terms and conditions:
- the insurance is group life insurance with insurance protection;
- the amount of the basic premium is set at 7% of the participant’s salary;
- 90% of the basic premium is allocated to investment premium and 10% to insurance protection.